Philippe Husser

is a Paradigm Shaker and a Change Maker in complex global organizations with 40 years of experience.

His work is focused on implementing and running Strategy Management Systems, Strategic Initiative Portfolios, and Strategic PMOs.

Philippe developed and lead the Enterprise PMO at Michelin with a global Progress Initiative Portfolio Management System, a range of diverse Project Management Approaches, and a community of decentralized PMOs in Business Units, Functions, and Regions. Before, he held Transformation Program Management roles in several global Aerospace and Defense companies.

He is also the author of a book: The High-Impact PMO. He is animating a Linkedin network of 12000+ followers in the domain of project management. He has been the Michelin representative in the PMI Global Executive Council. And he is a Board member of the French AFOPE (French Association of Internal Consultants).

Philippe holds an Engineering degree from the Ecole Centrale in Lyon, France. He is Kaplan-Norton certified in Strategy Execution Premium.


Three Pillars for Leading Complex Programs

My goal is to show how large organizations face disruptive change (including automation and robotization) rather than describing automatization or robotization projects.  Your feedback is very welcomed.

Global industrial companies become increasingly complex while their environment is changing at a very high pace. Radical encompasses among other things the customers’ behavior, the workforce, or the digitization.

Yet, sustainable success is achievable when it relies on three pillars in the Strategy, Portfolio, Program and Project Management* domain:

  • the effectiveness of strategy execution,
  • the focus and alignment of strategic initiative portfolio,
  • the efficient realization of program and project outcomes.

You will explore in this session a number of real life challenges, solutions, and results achieved by strategy, portfolio, and project leaders from organizations that proved to be successful in the long term.

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