Fredrik Lindberg

Product area lead


Fredrik is a Product Area Lead within the Financial Engineering and Insights- department of Spotify and before that he worked several years as a management consultant in Sweden. Since he joined Spotify in 2011, the company has grow from ~ 200 employees to over 4000 worldwide and during that time Fredrik has held several different project- and product management positions as well as adopted the “Spotify agile model” to the realm of Business Systems.


How we went from a project mindset to a product mindset at Spotify and how it´s helping to enable the business and scale our solutions

In the presentation, Fredrik will talk about how the financial systems department in Spotify went from a project focus to a product focus, and how they adopted Spotify’s agile practices in a more conservative domain. In his talk, he will talk about why they saw it necessary and what tangible outcomes could be measured after shifting into a product mindset.

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