Roman Senecký

Chairman of the board, CEO, COO

Mondi Štětí a.s., COO Kraft Paper Operations

  • Education: Secondary Technical School of Electrical Engineering in Chomutov, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Finance
  • Co-author of the book “Business Basics”, which was awarded the Book of the Year 2010 Award.
  • In 2014, he was honoured among the six best CEOs in the paper industry worldwide by the RISI Global Awards.
  • At the age of 35, he was appointed as the President of Mondi SCP, a.s., in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. In a company with 1,600 employees and a turnover of 500 million EUR, they managed to increase productivity by 50%, win four world PPI Awards, achieve 85% employee satisfaction and make investments of approximately 220 million EUR.
  • In Mondi Štětí a.s. he managed to successfully implement the EcoFlex project for 375 million EUR and reorganize the company, thereby increasing production by about 30%. Subsequently, investments in further growth of tens of million euros were approved.
  • He tends greatly to work safely with respect to environment, support community and personal growth of his employees.
  • Personal motto: Helping people achieve goals that they don’t dare set themselves.


I usually know what to do but scarcely why (CZ/EN)

Our theme this year, Connecting the dots, is already practiced in the company Mondi Štětí. The director of Mondi Štětí, Mr. Roman Senecký, will speak about how exactly they connect the world of top management and their employees.

One of the key things is a shared vision. There is a huge difference if a bricklayer builds a piece of the wall while fulfilling only a given task, or knows that he is building a cathedral, and feels that this contributes to the greater goal. Should people at all levels know the company’s vision and strategy? How can this help them in their daily work? Are they even interested?

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