Roman Šmiřák

Co-founder of RainFellows


Roman Šmiřák is a co-founder of RainFellows and also works in other projects (Newired, Avogado, BrainBrush) as an executive or a partner. He is a member of the RedButton professional network and the BusinessCon business community. Roman entered the managerial world 19 years ago, when he became the head of the Ostrava branch of the IT company. Throughout his career, he has been dealing with the issue of the effective functioning of organizations using Agile and Lean techniques, frameworks and tools, as well as a very important psychological-relational level. His passion is, in addition to hockey, above all to inspire and motivate.


Agile Mindset – how to get about it?

You will regroup the company into an agile structure, set up mechanisms for cooperation and there is no result? For example, you make Business and IT sit together, organize joint retrospectives and still there is the lack of communication, as if they were separated by an invisible wall? That’s because there was no switching in the heads – there are still walls in them.

Let’s look into people’s heads and look at their beliefs and attitudes. From the passive “victim” of a corporation doing only its work, through the “star” who knows all the best to collaboration and communication across teams. We’ll share specific tips on how to work with people to make the switch happen. Let’s connect the dots.

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