Roman Šmiřák

Co-founder of RainFellows


Roman is a co-founder of RainFellows and is also involved in other projects (Newired, Avogado, BrainBrush) as an agent or a partner. You can also meet Roman on the professional network Red Button where he regularly moderates Agile Talks.

Roman, can you tell us a bit about yourself and your goals?

I’m one of the “towers of strength”. I am an advisor to leaders who want to build agile organizations. My vision is a world where work is synonymous with passion, and my mission is to change organizations so that their teams are much more productive and enjoy what they do.

The theme of the 13th year of the Conference is “Tips & Tricks”. What are the main ideas you will want to talk about?

My tips & tricks will fall under “how to” and “how not to” run an agile organization.

How would you describe a person marked as Experienced Professional or working with know-how and skill?

Such a person is a partner who knows what I need better than myself. Not only what I think I should want. They present me with various options. Furthermore, they do whatever is necessary with ease and the result exceeds my expectations.


OKRs as a practical glue for Agile and non-Agile parts of the organization

You may have Agile teams in your organization that are happy with the Agile approach, and their delivery and internal communication has improved. They “just” complain about other parts of the organization that are project driven and/or built outside the Agile part, and they do not reflect the need to chop delivery into small parts and (re)prioritize. On the other hand, projects complain about Agile teams not wanting to commit to anything longer than 14 days. On top of all this, it would suit and help your organization if delivery was at least quarterly across all projects and teams.

In this workshop, we will show you how you can use the OKRs framework as a “glue” for these heterogeneous parts and accelerate delivery in your organization. If this sounds interesting to you, or if you want to learn about OKRs in a concise and practical way, you are welcome to join us.

Fails&tips Agile transformation in Rohlik.cz

At the beginning, Rohlik.cz was de facto an agile company – the founder Tomáš was a Product Owner with a clear vision, the team was motivated to realize his vision. As Rohlík grew, we needed to organize the inner chaos and punk style into an efficient system. We chose the path of a project organization managed by PMO. But after half a year, we realised that this method was slowing us down and paralyzing us in a bureaucratic trap. We chose agility as the optimum between punk and the rigidity of classic PM. In this lecture, we want to openly share the fails and tips of our agile transformation.

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