Tomáš Řehoř

Senior Engineering Manager


Tomáš Řehoř loves developing innovative software technologies that make life easier. He has programmed or led teams at companies such as Skype, Microsoft, Toptal, Košík.cz and Pipedrive, and recently joined the team of Hopin, a rapidly growing young British start-up innovating in the field of event and conference management.

He makes no secret of the fact that he has never graduated from a university and learned everything he knows in the world of software companies. Fortunately, in the world of software development, you do not look at a degree anymore, so he learned to use common sense directly in practice and break down even the most complex problems into smaller and more graspable ones. He enjoys the overlap between disciplines and believes that the best innovations happen when multiple perspectives come together on the same team.

Software development is a complex and intricate discipline that requires extensive knowledge. However, even knowledge is not enough if the programmer or developer does not have time to do deep work. This is when knowledge becomes working software. Tomas draws on his years of experience to create the ideal conditions for his teams to work deeply and creatively.

He believes that no matter what how big or small the company or problem is – it can always be broken down into smaller parts that can be managed independently based on the success principles of small successful start-ups. He actively researches and looks for what lies behind the success of small teams and companies and implements key aspects in larger teams and companies.

Tomas is a lifelong optimist, constantly looking for ways and conditions how to make everyone better off.


What they may not have told you about software development

I have practiced software development in various roles in different companies. Since my role is to lead teams and be accountable for business results linked to development, I have been trying to understand what the essence of a successful team is. Every company has different needs, every team is in a different situation, so it can be hard to take a workable solution from somewhere else and copy it. But if we understand the essence behind the success of the teams and companies we know, we should be able to create the conditions to set any team on a trajectory for success. In keeping with the theme of this year’s conference, the presentation will be full of specific tips and tricks on what has worked and what has not. And the essence? I will save that for the talk itself, so come and join us.

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