Martin Répal

Manager, Senior Consultant - inzagi

Martin Répal is a manager and PPM expert at inzagi. His entire professional career has been dedicated to the implementation of project management systems and project portfolios. As a Microsoft EPM consultant at AutoCont, he was at the beginning of software support for project management in the Czech Republic. He has experience in managing large projects (ČSA) and managing the whole IT infrastructure (Unicontrols). He taught Project Management at the University of Business in Prague. He is the author of publications and technical articles on project portfolio management. Martin Répal is a certified project manager and holds an MBA degree.


Microsoft Project – the modern way of project management

Changes in the socio-economic environment, pandemics and artificial intelligence are fundamentally affecting the way we work, bringing opportunities and new approaches to project management. Despite all the technological advances, the human still remains at the heart of the matter. How can we empower our people and increase the productivity of our project teams? Integrated project and portfolio management systems that include not only system management but also a team communication environment and a flexible platform that can be adapted to the needs of specific projects can help.

Using examples in the Microsoft environment, we will introduce modern project management concepts. We will demonstrate the capabilities and features brought by the new Microsoft Project, including the use of Copilot for Project. We will discuss what are the prerequisites for using AI in project portfolio management.

After this hands-on workshop, you’ll be able to start planning projects in the new Microsoft Project and gain insight into how to use it for team collaboration.

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